St John the Baptist,

Hall Drive, Hagley


St Saviour's,

Park Road, Hagley

Charity Commission Registration: 1132263


The Benefice of Hagley and Clent

Tel: 01562 886363
Email the Office:


Rector: In Vacancy                

Associate Priest: Kim Topham      07952 162 373


Hagley Parish Safeguarding Officer - Mrs Jenny Moulder
01562 883666 /
Clent Parish Safeguarding Officer - Mrs Natalie Baker
07983400811 /
Safeguarding Policy is on display in all Churches

Hagley Parochial Church Council

APCM 2024 signed Minutes of meeting held in 2023

APCM 2024 approved Minutes of the 2023 meeting

Hagley PCC - Minutes of Last PCC Meeting

Minutes of the May meeting

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