Hagley Parochial Church Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 16 May 2024 at 7.30pm at St Saviour’s.
Present: Richard Newton, Sue Priest, John Gowar, Margaret Rankin, Kim Topham, Michael Norris, Jenny Moulder, Sharon Bryant, Chris Spencer, Diane Mottershead, Becky Hindmarsh, Wendy Jones, Bob Jones, Kate Aldridge, Paul Evans, Alan Smith, Sarah Piper, Barbara Albert, Bill Green, Fiona Taylor, Nicola Wallis, Gill Richards, Margret Tindall
- Opening Prayers: The Rector opened the meeting with prayers and a warm welcome to the first meeting of the new PCC, particularly the new PCC members and also new Churchwardens, Fiona and Alan.
- Apologies: David Trewin, Malcolm Roberts, Iain Wright.
- Minutes of meeting held on 21 March 2024: These were approved and signed
- Matters arising from the Minutes:
- Safeguarding: As all members of the PCC are required to have a DBS check, Jenny will be making the arrangements with members in due course.
- Card readers at St John’s and St Saviour’s: These are working well. Payouts received in April totalled £233.
- Sound system at St Saviour’s: As the ’humm’ has not been resolved despite the engineer attending, Sue will contact Andrew Bessant to see if he can help. We will look for a quote to replace the system as we were advised some time ago that it needed replacement.
5. Appointment of Church Officers and Co-options:
All appointments were proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed by the PCC as follows:
Kim would be Acting Chair during the vacancy.
a) Vice Chair: Jenny Moulder
b) PCC Secretary: Sue Priest
c) Parish Treasurer: Iain Wright.
d) Electoral Roll Officer: Sue Priest
e) Other appointments: Margaret Norris will continue as Sacristan at St Saviour’ and St John’s.
f) Co-options: It was agreed that Iain Wright, and David Trewin be co-opted onto the PCC.
6. Committees, Groups and Representatives for 2024/2025:
a) Finance: Iain Wright, Fiona Taylor, Alan Smith, Graham Perkins (Gift Aid Officer), Helen Perryman-Smith.
b) Fabric: David Trewin (Chair), Derek Aldridge, Michael Norris, John Gowar.
c) Church Hall Management: Jane Cartwright, David Trewin (chair), Margaret Rankin, John Gowar, Russell Moulder, Sharon Bryant.
d) Outward Giving: Gwen Shaw, Iain Wright, Barbara Albert.
e) Contact: Adam Smith (printer and co-editor), Sophie Topham (co-editor), Linda Jordan, Margaret Rankin , Kim Topham and David Blackburn.
f) Social Events Group: Kate Aldridge (Chair), Joyce Inverarity, Gill Richards, Sue Wiseman, Nan Watts, Diane Mottershead and Elizabeth Clarke.
g) Christian Aid: Kim Topham, Barbara Albert, Sue Priest, Sarah Piper, John Gowar.
h) HADAC: Paul Evans, Kim Topham, Sharon Bryant.
I) Hagley Community Association Representative: Kim Topham.
j) Friends of St John’s Representative: Alan Smith.
k) Bell Captain: Richard Scarth.
l) Wychbury Room Management Committee: Kate & Derek Aldridge, Jon & Judy Plant, Becky Hindmarsh (bookings).
m) Eco – Church Group: Jon Bryant (Chair), Sarah Piper, John Gowar, Iain Wright, Jenny Moulder.
n) Music Festival : Sue Priest, Graham Perkins, Anna Downes, Kate Wilcox, Julie Bruton, Paul Evans.
o) Occasional Offices Teams:
Baptisms: Joyce Inverarity, Sharon Bryant, Margret Tindall, Diane Mottershead, Margaret Norris
Weddings: Gwen Shaw, Barbara Albert, Becky Hindmarsh, Gill Richards, Sarah Piper.
Funerals: Barbara Albert, Gwen Shaw.
- St Saviour’s Organ: The insurance company will pay the repair costs (by Ross Daly) in full. The organ will be out of use from 20 June for approx. 6 weeks
- Festival and Events:
- Holy Week and Easter: Holy Week Compline was well attended on Zoom.
- Hagley Music Festival: All events reasonably well supported. Come and Sing was very successful this time. The financial figures are currently being compiled.
- Thy Kingdom Come – Ascension to Pentecost: Sharon put a great deal of effort into arranging this event, unfortunately it wasn’t well supported. Next year we will focus on encouraging people to come.
- Christian Aid week: The committee are looking for a new Treasurer and also a Chair to replace Kathy.
- Richard’s Final Service: This will be a Holy Communion Service with Hagley Community Orchestra followed by refreshments. All arrangements are in hand.
- Finance:
- Treasurer’s Report: Iain distributed a report prior to the meeting as he was unable to attend. The PCC would like to thank Iain for all the work he has done preparing the accounts. All the information for last year’s accounts is with the examiners, we are waiting for a response. The Charity Commission require them to be done by the end of October. We would like them to be ready for potential applicants for the vacancy to view.
- Other matters from the Finance Committee: Nothing else to report
- CCLA: Richard Newton is to be removed from the mandate. The Parish Office to arrange an updated mandate.
- Church Fabric and Church Hall: See report from David Trewin about the lighting at St Saviour’s.
The Quinquennial report at St John’s detailed sandstone repairs necessary. The architect, Wayne Jones, has approached 8 stonemasons for quotes, and hopefully they will be available for the next PCC meeting. Alan Smith will be the Churchwarden liaising with this work with the Diocesan Advisory Committee, Wayne and Bill. The drawings and specifications have been sent to the DAC to see if a Faculty or an Archbishops Certificate is required.
The Friends of St John’s have plans to improve the carpark outside the church after consultation with Lord Cobham. It is recommended that during well attended services, attention is paid to parking, especially on the drive up to church, leaving enough room for emergency vehicles to get through.
- Churchwardens’ items: Barbara will be doing the flowers at St Saviours for the next few months.
- Brief Reports:
- Eco Church: NTR
- Social events Group: The question was raised as to the main purpose of the Social Group. Its’ primary objective is to arrange successful social events for all in the church community to attend and enjoy. It is noted that the clergy have access to funds to help those who can’t afford to attend an event. The group are most welcome to apply to the PCC if they need financial support for an event.
- Hagley Hub: This will continue during term time only. It is a highly valued facility by all ages in the community. Donations have been received towards costs, which will be shared between the church (accepted) and offered, but declined by the WI (for the cakes).
- Sunday Club: Jon Bryant offered to prepare the material alongside Jenny. It is vital that we maintain this activity for children.
- Electoral Roll: Stands at 119. 97 within the Parish, 22 living outside the Parish.
- Any Other Business: a) CPAS tonight: Sharon and Paul recommended the next online training event for PCC members. The next one is 18 June at 7pm and tickets cost £5.
b) Archive Cupboard: It appears that since Tom Pagett died, no one has been monitoring the Archive cabinet at St John’s. Alan Smith volunteered to do this going forward. The key is in the safe at St John’s. We were not able to retrieve the one that Tom had. We are one of only 2 parishes in the Diocese who are allowed to keep their own records, which date back to Henry Vlll. It is vital that this is maintained correctly.
c) Servers: An appeal will be put out for Servers. In the past the PCC has indicated their wish to continue to receive Communion at the High Altar.
d) Communion Cups: Previously the PCC unanimously decided to continue with the individual Communion Cups although they are aware that this is not supported by the Diocese and visiting priests during the vacancy may insist on serving from the Chalice. In the interests of stability during the vacancy, the benefice will continue with the established custom of using individual Communion Cups.
e) ALM: Sharon advised that she feels called to explore ALM ministry. The PCC unanimously support Sharon to be put forward for training.
f) Memorial Book: Richard has identified the names to be put in the Book of Remembrance at St John’s. Ivan has offered to update the book.
This was Richard’s last PCC meeting as Chair. He has chaired PCC meetings in Hagley for 28 years, and we thank him for his wisdom, grace and patience throughout this time.
The next meeting is on Wednesday 24 July 7.30 pm at St Saviour’s.
The meeting closed with Grace.
Acting Chairman............................................................................. Date 24th July 2024