Parish of HAGLEY in the Greater Dudley Deanery
At the Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting of the above parish held on 24 March 2024
The following were elected as Churchwardens:
John Gowar, Michael Norris, Alan Smith, Fiona Taylor.
The following were elected as Lay Members of the Deanery Synod in 2023:
Sharon Bryant, Jenny Moulder, John Gowar.
The following were elected as Lay Members of the Parochial Church Council:
Paul Evans
Christine Spencer
Rebecca Hindmarsh
Margaret Rankin
Malcolm Roberts
Wendy Jones
Robert Jones
Barbara Albert
Diane Mottershead
Kate Aldridge
Nicola Wallis
Bill Green
Susan Priest
Sarah Piper
Margret Tindall