Sunday Club
Children aged three and over are invited to join our Sunday Club. This takes place in St Saviour’s Hall (10.30 am unless indicated otherwise), where children are divided into age groups to have fun learning about God and about the Christian faith. As the morning service is coming to an end, children join their parents in church for a blessing.
You and your children are most welcome:
Parish Music
Parish Choir: sings at services and weddings. Singers range in age from nine upwards and new members are always welcome. The choir rehearses together from 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm on Thursdays. For more information contact Paul Evans (07504 857088)
We hope to re-start Messy Church in the near future.
Messy Church is held on the 1st Friday of each month at St Saviour's Church Hall from 3.15 pm to 4.45 pm. It includes refreshments, play-time, story, craft activities and lots of fun for children with parents / carers. All welcome.