Parishes of Hagley and Clent
St John the Baptist, St Saviour’s, and St Leonard’s
Parish Office: Tel: 01562 886363. Email:
Hagleycofe St Leonard’s. Clent
PEWSHEET 23 March 2025
Third Sunday of Lent
A very warm welcome to visitors today.
10.30 am Benefice Holy Communion at St Leonard’s
Today’s Readings: Isaiah 55.1-9; Psalm 63.1-9; 1 Corinthians 10.1-13; Luke 13.1-9.
This week, please pray for:
- continued peace in Israel and Palestine, and the surrounding region, and in Ukraine, for a permanent end to violence, and for respect and dignity for everyone. Please remember all who have been injured or who are bereaved and pray for those who are acting as peacemakers.
- those who work in the emergency services. Give them strength and pray that they will feel God’s love as they carry out their vital work.
- all who face rural poverty.
- the community of Wolverley Church and for all who use their church hall - Shaun Armstrong, Sam Neale.
- Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America: Bishop Juan David Alvarado Melgar
- those who are unwell: George Inverarity, Mel Nixon, Jemma Mondon, Sharni Marks, Darren Young.
- those who have recently died and their families: Freda Baker, Dave Pettit, Ivor Langford.
- those who live in Birmingham Road, Hagley, and Walton Rise, Clent.
Next Week: 30 March – Mothering Sunday
10.30 am Family Communion at St John’s
10.30 am Family Service at St Leonard’s
Readings: Exodus 2.1-10; Psalm 31.11-20; Colossians 3.12-17; John 19.25-27
Our Parish Administrator, Sue, will be working at the Parish Office on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 am – 1 pm.
Fr Tom email: 07383 920702.
Rev Kim email: 07952 162373
This week’s Diary
Tue 25 10 am -12 noon Hagley Hub at St Saviour’s Church Hall
Tue 25 1.00 pm Lent Course at St Saviour’s Church Hall
Wed 26 1.00 pm Lent Course at Clent Parish Hall
Thu 27 10.30 am Holy Communion at St Saviour’s
Fri 28 7pm -9pm ‘The Chosen’ Lent Course at the Rectory
Easter Flowers: If anyone would like to make a donation for Easter flowers for St John's or for St Saviour's in memory of a loved one, please contact Gill Richards at St John's and Gill Higgins at St Saviour's.
Electoral Roll: Every 6 years we have to compile a new Electoral Roll – and 2025 is the year! Forms are available at each church. Please return forms to Neill Robb (Clent) or the Parish Office (Hagley and Clent). Any questions, please get in touch with the Parish Office.
Foodbank: Many thanks for all your generous donations. This week the focus will be Noodle Pots and packet mashed potato. Donations can be left at the back of all 3 churches.