Parishes of Hagley and Clent
St John the Baptist, St Saviour’s, and St Leonard’s
Tel: 01562 886363. Email:
Hagleycofe St Leonard’s. Clent
PEWSHEET 23 February 2025
Second Sunday before Lent
A very warm welcome to visitors today.
10.30 am Holy Communion and Sunday Club at St Saviour’s
10.30 am Holy Communion at St Leonard’s
Today’s Readings: Genesis 2.4-9,15-25; Psalm 65; Revelation 4; Luke 8.22-25.
This week, please pray for:
- continued peace in Israel and Palestine, and the surrounding region, and in Ukraine, for a permanent end to violence, and for respect and dignity for everyone. Please remember all who have been injured or who are bereaved and pray for those who are acting as peacemakers.
- Renewal Leader at St Stephen’s Church, Redditch – Fraser Oates and all at St Stephen’s as their renewal project develops.
- those who offer their skills as musicians in our churches, whether as organists, pianists or choir members. Give thanks for all they do to enhance our worship and help us offer praise to God.
- those who live alone, especially the elderly. Pray for those who work as home carers, visiting people in their homes, giving thanks for the human contact this brings. Pray for all Anna Chaplains based in churches near you.
- those who are unwell: George Inverarity, Mel Nixon, Jemma Mondon, Sharni Marks, Darren Young, Margaret Dale
- those who have recently died and their families: Dave Pettit, Freda Baker
- those who live in Brook Crescent, Hagley, and Holy Cross Lane, Clent.
Next Week: 2 March – Sunday before Lent
10.30 am Holy Communion at St John’s
10.30 am Worship 4 All at St Leonard’s
Readings: Genesis 2.4-9,15-25; Psalm 65; Revelation 4; Luke 8.22-25.
Our Parish Administrator, Sue, will be working at the Parish Office on Monday, Thursday, Friday 9 am – 1 pm.
Fr Tom email: 07383 920702.
Rev Kim email: 07952 162373
This week’s Diary
Tue 25 10 am -12 noon Hagley Hub at St Saviour’s Church Hall
Thu 27 10.30 am Holy Communion at St Saviour’s
Sun 2 12 noon Clent AGM at St Leonard’s
ChurchSuite: We are starting to compile a church management system that supports our communications in Hagley and Clent. This is a GDPR protected system. For example, you can still be sent a Pewsheet if I am away on holiday and the Office is closed. There are some forms at the back of each church for completion. Please hand to Kim or Tom or the Parish Office. Any questions, please ask Tom, who will be pleased to explain more.
Foodbank: Many thanks for all your generous donations. This week the focus will be ‘Toothpaste and Toothbrushes’
There will be two Lent Courses in Hagley and Clent.
‘Women of Holy Week’ by Paula Gooder: Tuesdays at 1pm in St Saviour’s Church Hall from 11th March – 15th April, and in Clent Village Hall on Wednesdays at 1pm from 12th March to 16th April.
‘The Chosen’. The course on Friday evenings is 7-9 pm from 7th March – 18th April at the Rectory, 7 Cavendish Walk, Cala Estate.
Contact Tom if you would like more details.
Evensong at St Leonard’s: Clent Consort will be singing at Evensong on Sunday 16 March at 4.30 pm. Everyone is most welcome to come along to the service and hear the wonderful music.