St John the Baptist,

Hall Drive, Hagley


St Saviour's,

Park Road, Hagley

Charity Commission Registration: 1132263


The Benefice of Hagley and Clent

Tel: 01562 886363
Email the Office:


Rector: In Vacancy                

Associate Priest: Kim Topham      07952 162 373


Hagley Parish Safeguarding Officer - Mrs Jenny Moulder
01562 883666 /
Clent Parish Safeguarding Officer - Mrs Natalie Baker
07983400811 /
Safeguarding Policy is on display in all Churches


Parishes of Hagley and Clent

St John the Baptist, St Saviour’s, and St Leonard’s


Tel: 01562 886363. Email:



                                                 Hagleycofe                         St Leonard’s. Clent

PEWSHEET 28 July 2024

Trinity 9

A very warm welcome to all visitors today


10.30 am          Holy Communion at St Saviour’s

10.30 am         Holy Communion at St Leonard’s

12.30 pm         Baptism at St John’s


       This week, please pray for:

  • peace and reconciliation in Israel and Palestine, and the surrounding region, and in Ukraine, for a permanent end to violence, and for respect and dignity for everyone.  Please remember all who have been injured or who are bereaved and pray for those who are acting as peacemakers.
  • more people to take up the challenge to be as plastic free as possible and give thanks for all those who are working to find alternatives to using plastic. Diocesan Climate Crisis Task Group – Chair: David Hewlett
  • the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lithuania: Bp Mindaugas Sabutis; the Diocese of Derry & Raphoe (Ireland): Bp Andrew Foster; The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & The Middle East: Archbishop Hosam Naoum
  • Dan and Louise who are to be married at St John’s next Saturday
  • Imogen who is baptised today and Arthur who is to be baptised next Sunday and their parents and godparents
  • those who are unwell: Helen Crofts, George Inverarity, Albert Adams.
  • those who have recently died and their families: Gerald Frith, Malcolm Roberts, Steve Evans, Fiona Mullings, Stephen Moore, Geoffrey Rose.
  • those who live in The Green, Hagley, and Hossil Lane, Clent.


4 August – Trinity 10

10.30 am           Holy Communion at St John’s

10.30 am         Worship All at St Leonard’s

12.15 pm         Baptism at St John’s


Exodus 16.2-4,9-15; Psalm 78.23-29; Ephesians 4.1-16; John 6.24-35.

Our Parish Administrator, Sue, will be working at the Parish Office on Monday, Thursday and Friday 9 am – 1 pm.


This week’s Diary

Thu 1        10.30 am              Holy Communion at St Saviour’s

Thu 1        11.00 am              Churchwardens’ meeting at St Saviour’s

Fri 2          4.00 pm               Wedding rehearsal at St John’s

Sat 3           1.00 pm              Dan and Louise’s at St John’s




Sunday Collections: If you wish to start regular giving or to make a one-off donation:

Hagley Parochial Church Council: Sort code: 40-43-17 Account no: 11153048

Clent PCC: Sort code: 40-43-17 Account no: 31136593  For further information: Hagley:  Clent:



Hagley Hub: A huge thank you to all those who have volunteered and supported the Hagley Hub over this past year; your support has been invaluable. Thank you. Hagley Hub is now closed for the summer to allow our volunteers a break - we will be back on Tuesday 10th September and look forward to welcoming you then.


Clent Connect is open Tues to Fri 9.00am - 5.00pm and Saturday 10.00am - 1.00pm. 

For Tea, coffee, cake and toasties as well as a well-stocked shop and ice cream section. 

Lots of information on offer or just meet up for fellowship. 



Communion - After communication from Archdeacon Nikki on behalf of Bishop Martin, we have been advised that individual communion cups are not allowed.

If you feel strongly about drinking from the common cup due to health concerns, you may wish to receive the bread only.  Bishop Martin will be taking the Holy Communion service at St Leonard’s on Sunday if you wish to speak with him. Many thanks for your understanding, Kim.     




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