St John the Baptist,

Hall Drive, Hagley


St Saviour's,

Park Road, Hagley

Charity Commission Registration: 1132263


The Benefice of Hagley and Clent

Tel: 01562 886363
Email the Office:


Rector: In Vacancy                

Associate Priest: Kim Topham      07952 162 373


Hagley Parish Safeguarding Officer - Mrs Jenny Moulder
01562 883666 /
Clent Parish Safeguarding Officer - Mrs Natalie Baker
07983400811 /
Safeguarding Policy is on display in all Churches

Friends of St. John's

The Friends of the Church of St John, Baptist, Hagley - Registered Charity number 1200446


Latest News on the Change from an Unincorporated Charity to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)

This article, on behalf of The Friends of St John, follows previous articles informing Members of the change from an Unincorporated Charity to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).

With specialist Charity Solicitors advice from Higgs LLP of Brierley Hill, it was decided by the Trustees that a change to the Friends Constitution and Trust Deed was needed. The Trust Deed was set up more than 40 years ago and none of the original Trustees are still involved.  In addition, the Constitution was deemed not suitable for the 21st Century – hence the change to a CIO.

The new CIO was registered on the 22nd September 2022 and its first Trustees were: -

H W Green, J D Cope and G A Battersby.

On the 17th October 2023 new Trustees were added these being: -

Viscount Cobham, R E S Jones QPM, W Jones, M E Bebbington, S R Priest, G P Richards, J D Day. We are most grateful to these for agreeing to become Trustees. We are also most grateful to Viscountess Cobham for agreeing to continue as our President.

All above have been given copies of the new Constitution, latest financial reports and details of their duties as Trustees. All previous Trustees are now free of any liabilities they may have had under the old Constitution.

The Trustees of the CIO have confirmed that we continue to seek to adopt a low risk strategy in respect of any funds held by The Friends whilst striving to achieve good income on any investments held.

The Aims and Objects of the CIO are the advancement of the religion of Christianity in the church of St John’s for the benefit of the public mainly, but not exclusively by: -

  1. The preservation, maintenance, repair and enrichment of the fabric, furniture and fittings of the church
  2. The preservation and maintenance of the churchyard
  3. The preservation and enhancement of the beauty and fitness of the sire and setting of the church and
  4. The maintenance and development of music and other aspects (cultural, dramatic or otherwise) of the worship and life of the church


It is important to stress that the Church PCC are responsible for the day to day costs associated with the running of St John’s. However, The Friends usually pay or contribute, when possible, matters raised by the church architect in the Quinquennial Report which takes place every six years. The Friends also consider requests for financial assistance from the PCC.

Tony Battersby

Trustee on behalf of The Trustees of St John - November 2023




The Friends of The Church of St John, Baptist, Hagley

Charity Number 509524

On the 14th December 1979 a Charitable Trust Deed was made for The Friends in order to save the church from closure due it’s need for urgent repairs. This was formally recognised by the Charity Commissioners on the 24th January 1980.

The original Trustees were James J Higgs, James D Jasper, Vernon R Taylor and Adrian K Watson. The Trust Deed specified the Aims and Objects as to: -

  • Preserve maintain repair and enrich the fabric furniture and fittings of the church
  • Preserve and enhance the beauty and fitness of the site and setting of the said church
  • Maintain and develop the music and other aspects (cultural dramatic and otherwise) of the worship and life of the church

On the 10th February 1982 J W L Viscount Cobham was added to the Trustee list.

On the 31st March 2004 J J Jasper and V R Taylor retired as Trustees and were replaced by George A Battersby and Malcolm Roberts.

On the 5th December 2008 The Honourable Christopher C Viscount Cobham replaced J W L Viscount Cobham (died 13th July 2008). Also, Margaret Ann Richardson was appointed as a Trustee.

On the 1st December 2010 Malcom Roberts retired and Stewart D Purton was appointed in his place.

On the 22nd September 2022 James J Higgs died after 42 years’ service to The Friends.

The current Trustees as at December 2022 are: - Christopher C Viscount Cobham, George A Battersby, Margaret A Richardson and Stewart D Purton. These Trustees are assisted by an Executive Council of some 20+ members of The Friends. The Executive Council appoints Officers to the position of Chair – William H Green, Secretary – Jeff D Cope and Treasurer Judith Whitehouse.

A successful appeal for funds was launched and by the mid 80’s extensive restoration had been completed on the roof and many other parts of the church fabric. In the early days of The Friends the local community came together for Donkey Derbies, Fayres, Fashion Shows, Sporting Nights, Outings and a variety of musical events for which St John’s is well suited.

In 2012/2013 The Friends made substantial funds available towards the overall costs for the building of the new Wychbury Room which is adjacent to the church and Hagley Cricket Club.

The Friends will continue to support Hagley Parochial Church Council (PCC) and consider request for funds on a case-by-case merit.


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